
Today, I talked to Yamada-san who seemed gloomy. She told me she was sad because a woman from her flower arrangement club has passed. She told me about what she knew of the woman-- Older, wealthy, but she took care of her grandson whose parents had passed years ago. I couldn’t help but wonder what became of her grandson, who was underage. I’m sure money isn’t an issue, but the idea of being so alone in the world after that sounds horrible. Yamada-san told me she was going to send flowers. I told Yamada-san if she needed anything, I would be there. I don’t know exactly what I could do for her, but it makes me sad to see her so upset. It also made me think about taking a visit back home to see my family.


Today, I saw YUKIO and PARADROID again! There wasn't so much of a difference between shows in terms of formatting, but I'm still happy I saw them twice! I got to appreciate more little details versus just staying starstruck... And, I think I did the furi better! A-chan said so as well! Ki-chan was there too, but I saw her fighting with some girls...

I did actually get to say hello to one of the band members! Nozomu-san, who is Yukio-san's guitar player! It was purely by chance, I saw him smoking outside when I went. It was kind of funny to see him smoke through his mask, but I guess it worked! I did see Yukio-san as well, but I didn't get to say hello, because so many fans crowded him... A-chan did get me some cheki though! Nozomu-san was in one of them too, which made me happy after being able to say hi. (─‿‿─)♡

Ki-chan didn't stay and have dinner with us after. A-chan said one of her friends picked her up. I was just happy to spend time with A-chan and hear her thoughts. She also seemed happy with a second Yukio-san and Akira-san kiss...(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)


Today, I saw YUKIO! Actually, it was a dual release, as it was also a show with ParanoidDROID The show was amazing! He had such an energy and charisma! I felt I did a sloppy job of the furi... (。•́︿•̀。) It's okay though! A-chan really was supportive and said I did okay...! After all, an attempt was made and that was good! Yukio-san just seemed to be having fun on stage. I have to admit, it was a little shocking to see him so readily make out with Akira-san... I had heard about him doing that, but seeing it up close...! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

ParaDroid were also really good! It really was amazing to see them live as well! I'm firstly a YUKIO fan, but I want to see them again too! I selfishly hope they tour with Yukio-san again... Not just because of the kiss...!!! ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ I thought they were great musicians with a lot of stamina and charisma as well! The bands matched perfectly!

I didn't get a chance to see Yukio-san or any other of the band members after the show sadly... A-chan did! She's much better at dealing with crowds than I am. I did manage to snag their omnibus together! I'm listening to it right now-- it's amazing! After the show, I had hotpot with A-chan and some of her friends. I met Ki-chan, who was very rambunctious. Ki-chan isn't her full name, but I already called A-chan, well, A-chan... I'd feel bad also saying someone's name... Ki-chan talked to me a lot, but she's a little kid. She told me she had a boyfriend in the scene, but something about that makes me suspicious, and if she is telling the truth, worried. I don't think Ki-chan will come across this little blog though. She kept calling me T̵̢͚̭͉̗̠͖̘͔̹̺̞̥̭̥̘̳͈̦͐̈́̈̿̀͂̈́͑̐̽͋́͘ͅĀ̸̡̨̛̰̻̞̟͔̮͚͙̜͉̲̮̯͐͆̈́̐͋M̴͍̩̗̃͛́̇̈A̸̢̡̧̛̭̞͕̩̦̱͓͙̟͈͙͙̐̃̓̇̈͊̿͗-san though, which is off... I don't think she's a bad kid with ill intent though. Hopefully, it'll just take a few years for her to be mature, which is normal for teenagers.


Today, I spent some time with Mei-tan, the cat I mentioned earlier. She keeps coming around, and seems to receive the food I put out well. I bought her cat treats to supplement, and she seemed very happy. She’s gotten incredibly friendly to me. She tends to brush up against me when I pet her. She usually comes in the daytime, so I keep an eye out for her when I smoke.

I handed in work I needed to, so I probably have a couple of days to myself until I need to make edits. I’ve been thinking about watching the new KKPP anime. I've seen good things about it online. I also bought some books a few days ago and I need to read them (I tend to have books pile up on me…).


Today, I went shopping. I encountered a really strange man...! He kept meowing at me... At first, I thought he was a cosplayer. I got kind of nervous when he kept following me into stores and meowing at me... Typing this out feels silly. He was probably around my age, so maybe it was just a strange prank. Once I went into the game store I frequent, the girl behind the register seemed to shoo him out. She seemed familiar with him coming in and meowing.!It was very strange...


I forgot to update...! (⌒ω⌒);;;;; oops! Anyway, I did buy tickets and so did A-chan! The tour dates are so soon... I guess there were also handshake tickets, a whole seperate event, coming up... I missed that though... Next time, for sure! Actually, I'm going to a couple of shows. A-chan bought tickets and told me she bought "too many"... Either way, I'm happy! I am going to pay you back, A-chan!

I also got watermelon soda today... It's really good! I also watched Yamada-san feed Mei-chan some chicken she cooked. It was so cute! Yamada-san did offer me chicken, but I refused because I knew I'd just want to watch Mei-chan eat it... (´• ω •`) It's fine! I still had a healthy dinner!