
The in store is tomorrow!! I'm so nervous!! (ノ*°▽°*) (ノ*°▽°*)

I picked out an outfit already for it! It's funny, I need to ask what feels like a silly question, but at the same time, im seeing Yukio-san again!! His new album is really good so I'm excited to hear the questions people ask of him!

The apartment still has had activity, but the sink stuff has only happened once since… I know they're still around and I'm still trying to make contact. I feel a little less nervous, but I can't help but jump still when things happen.


The in store is a week away…!! I'm so so happy!! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ A-kun and I went out to eat together! I told him about my recent developments. I think he was confused, he had a similar reaction to A-chan. He told me we should watch horror movies together soon, and that he was watching some horror drama.

Yamada-san asked me recently about the strange activity too. I spoke to her honestly and she said something that stuck with me– “Maybe that lost soul went to you because you're such a generous person.” (*/ω\) I don't think that's the reason, but hearing her say that made me really happy...


Things have stayed about the same at my apartment. In a strange way, I'm used to it. The water situation has calmed down, but I know the entity is still around. Occasionally I'll think I see some blood or them standing over me, breathing.

My fear has turned strange. Am I still scared? Yes. I think it's natural for any human to be nervous in situations where they are unaware of how forces beyond them move. However, I feel a sadness. I can't help but think, if this is a ghost, why are they here? The dress doesn't look super old… I think it's tattered, but not something of a bygone era. Who are they? Did they have a family? Friends? Pets? Children? People who counted on them? Did someone wait for them? Are they still waiting for them?

It hit my own mortality. What if I were them? Were they murdered? Was there an accident? A freak incident? It's scary. I'm sure they're scared.

While I'm not comfortable yet, I feel as if I need to learn to be.

I tried to talk to them earlier. I wanted some peace. I asked if I could do anything for them, and I asked for them to stop playing with my sink. I didn't get a reply back.