
I feel my reprieve lately is sitting outside and talking to Mei-tan. Her cute eyes make me feel at peace. Should I be scared? I haven't been hurt… Things are just, weird.

I had a moment of things clicking. I was pre-ordering YUKIO's new album and it hit me. This started after meeting Yukio. Is he related to this? I feel saying that sounds silly. I asked A-chan and she laughed, I don't think she took my asking seriously. I can't blame her, she probably thinks I'm role-playing a new horror story idea. However, she did say she's going to the in store and we should meet up. She also told me she'll do her best to support me.

I want answers…


I feel so shaken up. I don't know what to do.

Last night I was going to try the camcorder trick again, but as I was working, I had an incident.

I was busy writing and listening to music like normal, when there was a smash on the sliding door beside me. I looked, and there was nothing. I got up to investigate, slide open the door… nothing. The balcony was clear. I slid the door shut and got a quick glimpse of something.

I don't know who or what it was. I remember the red clothes, black hair and rotting flesh. No, this can't be real, can it…? I feel stupid even typing this out.

I thought about calling the cops but what can I even do? What would they say? It's obviously not an intruder here to steal my money, but I don't know what they want…?

There are no reports of deaths nearby. I've lived in this apartment for three years now, and I've never had issue. I haven't remodeled the room or anything. I don't get it. First my name, now this…? Is it related? I'm confused. More than confused, I'm scared. I don't know what to do.


I think I'm gonna die.


I'm scared.


I rewatched the video last night. I don't have any closer answers… I was asleep the whole time. I heard walking… Nothing was seen. I was nervous to watch the footage, but honestly, now I just feel disappointed… (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ back to square one…!! (」°ロ°)」(」°ロ°)」


I had a conversation with Yamada-san. She listened to me like a loving grandmother, waiting till I was finished to speak. I felt stupid later for worrying if she’d understand, she’s a beautiful soul. o(TヘTo) She comforted me and offered reassurance, but she did say something that was strange. She told me she heard strange noises from me early in the morning– 7, 8, 9am. I like to sleep late, usually until 10am. She said sometimes it sounded like dragging or banging, but mainly footsteps.

I talked to A-chan about this stuff as well. She also gave me some comfort and suggested something– take a video at night. Afterall, I would know at least if I was sleep walking or doing things without realizing it. I have a camcorder. I'm setting it up before bed. Σ(°△°|||)︴


I have had more experiences. Some, I can live with. I know some of my things are moved. The fingerprints make me nervous. The water is more of a burden as that’ll be damages if not handled right.

I went to turn off the sink and quickly in the mirror I saw someone. I can't explain, they seemed tall. They were in what might have been a red shirt or dress. The sleeves were long I think. I don't know…

Everytime A-kun sends me a video, things start acting strangely. I told A-kun, but I think he thinks I'm writing a new story.

Asking Yamada-san feels silly. I don't want her to think bad things of me… I don't think she's that type of person, but it is scary… I think tomorrow I'll try.


I was talking to A-kun online. I was able to avoid the feeling of dread, becoming complacent with strange noises and things moved. After all, I can't fix them, what can I do? However, it has escalated.

A-kun and I were talking about his new girlfriend. It was a normal conversation, he sent me a video. I was watching, but was startled by a feeling– someone was breathing down my neck. My computer screen flashed, and I was frozen in fear, before I turned around and a few of my figures came crashing down from my shelves. Why…? They weren't close to the edge… There's no normal reason for this.

I picked up my figures and placed them securely on the shelf. When I went back to my computer, it began to act strangely. I had to crash it...

I don't understand.


I'm scared.


I don't know if I can do this


I had another weird event tonight. I really am confused… There was water gushing out of the sink again, which in a strange way I've grown used to. I almost accepted that maybe I was that absent minded, especially as I have been busy on this new job.

I turned the faucet off around 9:20pm and went back to my room to work. I was busy in work when I had a weird feeling and slid off my headphones– water. Walking into the bathroom, the sink was on again. I turned it off and checked around my apartment. Everything was locked, even the balcony door. This can't be an issue with the apartment’s water system, right?...

Even so, what happened next is making it feel real. As I went to sit back down at my desk to start working, I saw handprints on the sliding door to the balcony. They were too small to be mine– not child sized, but not matching my own hands either.

What do I do? What can I do?

I don't want to move. I don't think I have the money for that either...