
I woke up today to see there's a PARADROID x YUKIO collab...! I'm so excited!! I guess here's my divine sign to finally listen and pick up some PARADROID! A-chan is letting me borrow her CDs... I'm tempted to get tickets. They go on sale tonight...! I guess I'll update if I do go...!


Ahhh~! I've been so busy...! I finished a big piece I was working on. It's ghost-writing work, so I can't disclose it... ╰(▔∀▔)╯

I got pineapple ice cream today. I spent some time watching some ghost shows at night... Scary! I don't know how people can live like that! As a kid, I saw something scary during a test of courage... It's funny, isn't it? I love horror, but the actual idea is so creepy... But I can't help but look!


I found Yamada-san talking to the cat I mentioned before. We decided to name her Mei-chan. She's become more friendly recently, and has easily taken to me. As a kid, I always loved cats, and even though I've never had one as a pet, strays always gravitate towards me. Before I moved here a few months back, I ended up with 6 stray cats who kept visiting me www. It makes me happy, though.

I finally got around to some of the CDs though! A-chan has been talking about MARS' new tour. She's been a big fan for a while, so it's nice to see her so happy. I'd join her, but I'm worried about work. Plus, as much as I love MARS' music, I want to save up to meet YUKIO-kun...! A-chan was joking with me about it. He's not a guy I'm in love with or anything, but who doesn't want to meet a talented and pretty guy? Not to mention, MARS has been more active, hasn't he? Hopefully I can still get tickets before he goes into hibernation again www.


Today, I went out shopping with a friend of mine, A-Chan. We met online, but she’s a dear friend of mine. Hi A-Chan! I don’t want to give too much away of her looks, as she’s very popular and chatty to others, so I’ll describe her abstractly. She’s a beautiful girl, short, especially compared to me. She has very sweet eyes and a lovely smile.

Anyway, A-chan and I went out late in the afternoon, after she got off her shift. We went to a music store on the same street as her job and browsed through new releases. I remembered YUKIO was releasing new music soon. I’m really excited! His music helps me work, I love the atmosphere he brings. A-chan is also a fan, so we discussed the idea of going to a show together. She goes to a lot more shows than I can, and she constantly offers to pay for my tickets. I don’t want to burden her, so I tend to decline unless I can pitch in money. We both picked up some CDs, and headed to take some puri to commemorate the day. I drew a cat on my puri, but it wasn’t really good ww. We also got crepes! I got chocolate banana, which tends to be my go-to anymore.

I am a bit tired from the excitement of the day. I’m excited to listen to my new CDs though! (´。• ω •。`)


Today, there was a stray cat nearby. I asked Yamada-san, who was busy tending to her little windowsill. She said it was the first time she saw them. I decided to leave out a bowl of water. I then ran to the store and bought cat food. I wish I had a cat, so this is living vicariously, I suppose. I don't believe we're allowed pets in this apartment complex. Not that I could comfortably afford a cat… But I am home almost all day, so I guess if my work continues like this, it's fine.