




Today, I've been excited and nervous. In four days, I get to meet Yukio-san! I’m so happy! I’m going to get to meet YUKIO!! A-chan talked me through, as she’s met him before. I’m still nervous…!! I've had a hard time focusing on my work as the dates get closer and closer together...! But I'll prevail, it's okay! I even got a strawberry soda to help me focus... I said no extra splurging but, it'll be fine, as long as it's just one...! The handshake event also allows for a 2-shot, so I'm extra nervous.

A-chan lives close to the store, but she offered to meet me beforehand to help my nerves...! It's silly, but I keep thinking of things like, "Ah, he's about my height, right? Will it be awkward that he won't have to bend down or pose how he does with someone like A-chan?" Ah, it's so small, but I'm still nervous.


Today, I went out for lunch! I've been very busy with work, but my friend, A-kun, begged me to go out to eat with him. A-kun is a writer who is often very busy as well. He's a cute man, but he always seems to be falling for someone new-- which keeps things exciting in his life, so I'm happy for him! We got yaki udon together and talked about our writing projects and life. I feel it'd be innapropriate to fully divulge his life and our conversations on here, but it was really fun! I was really happy, because it seems like big things are happening in his life.

I did find out, however, as we were heading in different directions, he had a deadline due tonight... Good luck, A-kun! I believe in you!


Today, Yukio-san put out a message that he was finishing up a new album... And it has a date...!?∑(O_O;) He just came back from tour...! Luckily, Yukio tweets very fast, and he mentioned it comes out on the 29th and it's called Wet Nightmare. I feel a little shy typing that... I am excited! Tour dates are coming soon, along with handshake events! This'll be the time I meet him! I'm super excited. Pre-order is in two days...

I also took a walk at night to get some inspiration for a story I'm writing on a certain forum. I took a few pictures, and I'm excited to edit them for it. I also saw on another forum that a KKPP fan event is in two months...! I'm really excited over it. Last fan event, I got a really cute custom pin, along with a cute 4koma doujin. I should save up for all these things...! I'll cut back on watermelon soda... (=`ω´=);